3 Beginner Exercises for Improving Balance

Balance training is very important for overall fitness as we need it in almost all normal activities and will appreciate it in sensitive situations, such as walking upstairs with shopping bags or walking to work on icy or uneven ground. Balance training is often overlooked and underrated, even though it has several undeniable benefits.

They should be done daily, to prevent injuries, to perform daily tasks more efficiently, to be stable, vital and mobile in old age and to maintain good reflexes. Balance exercises are also important as a basis for all training. The body must be in balance to withstand the effort.

Equilibrium can be divided into two types, static and dynamic. The capacity to maintain equilibrium when standing still is called static balance, while equilibrium while in motion is called dynamic balance. This type of balance will be especially appreciated and used by athletes during intense encounters with the opponent.

Along with strength, endurance, and flexibility, it is one of the four basic types of exercise. This type of training contributes to better overall body stability and helps prevent falls, which is a common problem, especially in the elderly and stroke patients. Remember that balance exercises are not sprints and focus instead on moving with accuracy and perfecting your form. Most essential, take a deep breath and concentrate on moving more slowly but with greater awareness. The exercises on the balancing board may appear difficult or even impossible at first, but with practice, you will improve and gain confidence. Alternate between left and right legs and aim for three sets of each exercise we cover. Your current fitness level is the primary factor in determining the total number of repetitions.

1. Balance on one leg

One of the basic exercises, which is the "first check" and a good test to determine the level of your balance.

Stand on the balance board with your legs apart and your weight evenly distributed on both feet. Extend your arms out to the side and slowly lift one leg bent at the knee into the air until the balance is transferred to the standing leg only. Try to raise the knee at least to the level of the hips (the higher the better).

If you dare and want to make this exercise a little more difficult, lower your arms by your body.

2. Lunges

This exercise requires much more stability and balance. Stand behind the balance board and slowly place one foot on it.

That leg that's left behind should be about one big step behind your butt. Keep your spine balanced so that your body weight is evenly distributed on both legs. Look forward, keep your chest straight and your shoulders back. Do a half squat so that your front leg is at a 90-degree angle. Engage the buttocks together with the abs and push with the upper leg on the surface. You will feel your front (quadriceps) and rear hamstrings and glutes working.

The leg left behind may only use the front part of the toes. The further that leg is, the more you are engaging your glutes and hamstrings. Again, you can try a more challenging variation of this exercise - the back lunge from the starting position on the balance board.

3. Squats

When doing squats, start again in an upright position on the balance board with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Extend your arms in front of you, bend your knees and slowly pull your hips and buttocks to the floor.

You can make this exercise more difficult by stepping and moving from side to side, with one foot always on the balance board. Is that easy for you? Then try a popular but slightly more challenging alternative to this exercise using an elastic resistance band that you can place between the board and your shoulders.



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