Can gout be prevented?


Prevention won’t completely halve the risk of getting gout if there is a genetic propensity to do so. However, since prevention keeps blood urate levels in the serum lower, the disease should be attempted to be prevented. The amount of urate in the blood is reduced by maintaining a healthy body weight, which also lessens the strain on the joints.

A special diet should be followed in addition to weight loss. The secret to patients’ longer remissions is a purine-free diet. Purine breakdown yields uric acid, from which salts and later tophi are created. Purines derived from animals are riskier than those derived from plants. Foods of animal origin with more than 200 mg of purine per 100 g are advised against consumption.

Offal, such as liver, kidney, and heart, are foods that are regarded as dangerous foods. Purines are also abundant in blue fish, including sardines, mackerel, tuna, and salmon. Red meat poses greater risks than white meat, so it is advised to consume as little beef, lamb, and pork as possible in all forms (stocks, pates, dried meat canned products…).

Both yeast and foods high in fructose sugar are abundant in purines. Avoid sweet juices, maple syrup, and bakery goods.

Alcohol should still be avoided even though it doesn’t contain purines. The following reason is the cause. Alcohol decreases the blood’s excretion of urate. Many people have observed that drinking alcohol makes gout attacks occur more frequently.

Wine has not yet been linked to more frequent gout attacks, but heavily alcoholic drinks undoubtedly are.

However, daily wine consumption shouldn’t be more than 150 ml, or one glass.

Water consumption needs to be increased with a purine-free diet. A higher water intake lowers the risk of kidney damage because gout frequently damages the kidneys.

An ideal amount of water intake per day is 2 liters. Gout sufferers have a right to wonder what foods they are permitted to eat. Fortunately, many foods are suitable for gout sufferers and lower the level of urate in the blood. Examples of these include foods high in vitamin C.

Consuming vitamin C can lower inflammation and encourage the regrowth of connective tissue, improving one’s quality of life.

Anthocyanin, a pigment found in berries such as cherries, strawberries, black currants, and pomegranates, is high in zinc and vitamin C. It has been demonstrated that ingesting large amounts of vitamin C is advantageous for treating gout.

Vitamin C is also found in kale, broccoli, peppers, oranges, and lemons. It can also be obtained through dietary supplements. To reduce the risk of damaging your bones and cartilage, it’s critical to take care of your health and adhere to your doctor’s recommendations.

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