You might not consider the health of your senior loved one's feet while considering their physical state. It is simple to forget that their feet literally serve as a major support system.
Unfortunately, senior people frequently experience foot discomfort and other foot issues, which are linked to:
- Weakness
- Frailty
- Exhaustion
- Alteration of gait
- Challenges with balance
- Walking with more swaying and less walking

Good foot care is crucial to helping seniors avoid falling since those with foot issues are more prone to do so.
What Sorts of Foot Issues Affect Seniors?
It makes sense that many elderly people get painful foot diseases after a lifetime of standing, moving about, and running. Among the conditions that affect elderly people's feet the most frequently are:
Calluses and corns
A corn or callus is a thick, hardened covering of skin that develops around a sensitive part of the foot that receives a lot of pressure. Most frequently, they are brought on by uncomfortable shoes, but they can also be brought on by an awkward gait.
Abnormalities of the nails
There are many different types of toenail issues, and they can be very painful. Fungal infections and ingrown toenails are two of the most prevalent toenail conditions in the elderly.
Hammertoe, bunions, and claw toe
These excruciating abnormalities develop when a toe develops extra bone or gets misaligned. Specific footwear, like high heels, is linked to certain foot abnormalities.
Fat pads disappearing
Everyone's feet are born with thick pads that serve as shock absorbers. Even while it might not seem significant, losing fat pads can be really uncomfortable. These fat cushions can disappear with age, which causes unpleasant force to be delivered to areas of the feet that are unprotected.
Connective tissue conditions
Cartilage, bone, tendons, muscles, and ligaments make up connective tissues. Foot tendonitis and plantar fasciitis are two excruciating disorders that can develop when the connective tissues of the feet become irritated or inflamed.
Poor blood flow to the feet
Poor circulation can result from insufficient blood flow, which can be brought on by a number of reasons, such as a sedentary lifestyle, advanced age, obesity, smoking, diabetes, and blood clots. The consequences could be quite terrible if ignored. It's crucial to inform your doctor about any foot circulation problems you experience.
Systemic illnesses like diabetes, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and even congestive heart failure are additional causes of foot problems. These disorders can include swollen feet, uncomfortable and weak joints, and nerve pain. Acute foot issues like plantar fasciitis and systemic conditions like osteoarthritis might coexist in some persons.
Foot Care for Elderly People

When providing elderly people with good foot care, it's important to keep three things in mind:
Persistent Care
Make sure someone is regularly inspecting the feet of your senior loved ones for any changes. Look for open sores or fissures, deformed toes, toenails that are discolored or otherwise altered, and other skin changes like thickening. To prevent infection, be sure to wash their feet frequently, and if needed, clip their toenails. If you notice anything odd about the feet of a loved one, have them seen by a podiatrist.
Proper Footwear
According to studies, most seniors wear shoes that are too small due to factors including style, a changed foot shape, and not realizing that their feet continue to expand as they age. Have your loved one's feet measured to make sure they are wearing the proper size shoes. In order to preserve healthy legs and feet, but also for safety, we recommend DrLuigi medical footwear.