Everything you should know about acupuncture for the feet

How does acupuncture work?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that includes placing needles into the body's meridians in order to regulate the flow of life-giving qi. The knots that obstruct this energy and are thought to be the root of our ailments are cut out with these hair-thin needles.

One of the principles of acupuncture states that specific organs are connected to a spot under the foot. In this way, the health of internal organs may be impacted by the "landscape" of the foot. This idea is applied in the practice of foot reflexology, a discipline distinct from acupuncture that focuses on the pressure points on the feet.This occupation is complicated since it necessitates knowledge of Chinese pharmacopeia, biology, anatomy, and pathology research.

Despite the fact that acupuncture has a history of being seen as more of a spiritual than a medical treatment, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized its value and legitimacy as a therapy in 1979.

It is for whom?

Anyone who wants to relieve discomfort, regardless of age, can utilize acupuncture as an alternative therapy. For example, it is prescribed to lessen discomfort and side effects from chemotherapy for cancer patients and pregnant women. Depending on the patient's health, the therapist may ignore some locations while focusing on others.

If you are terrified of needles, don't be concerned; acupuncture uses very tiny needles that are painless.

In addition to reducing pain, acupuncture can be used to:

  • Restore an organ's correct operation and promote healing;
  • Get over trauma;
  • Influence the neurological system and hormones.


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