Feet during pregnancy, what to watch for

While it's crucial and necessary to care for your entire body during pregnancy, you should pay particular attention to your feet. Because your feet carry all your weight during pregnancy, foot care is very crucial. Taking care of your body is always vital, but it is particularly crucial during pregnancy. 

During pregnancy, a lot of things occur, and your body goes through a significant transformation. But your assistance will be useful! Along with everything else, it's important to remember to take care of your feet. Both the weight you are accustomed to and the extra weight from pregnancy are all on your feet.


Drink water

You can decrease fluid retention in the body by increasing your daily fluid consumption. In other words, dehydration promotes the body's ability to retain water, which eventually results in issues with swelling of specific body regions (particularly during the summer months when combined with heat). It is critical to drink enough fluids each day while pregnant.

Comfortable footwear

Pregnant women should always wear comfortable shoes, especially those who are farther along in their pregnancy. In addition to making the shoes you have been using up until then point tighter due to your swollen feet and ankles, their discomfort might make it challenging for you to walk, stand, and do daily activities. The same goes for socks; they shouldn't be too tight, and it's best to stay away from socks with an elastic edge that digs into your skin.



Every person's life should include regular physical activity, which also holds true during pregnancy. A pregnant woman should exercise every day, of course based on her capabilities and the doctor's advice or bans, even if exercise during pregnancy shouldn't be overdone. While pregnant, exercise has several advantages for the mother and helps ease several symptoms, including stiffness, soreness, exhaustion, and swelling. 

Physical activity and exercise increase circulation and stop blood from pooling in the lower portions of the body.

Foot massage and stretching

Standing or sitting while stretching your feet will considerably lessen the signs and symptoms of swollen legs. Stretching lowers edema, promotes blood flow, boosts local circulation, and minimizes calf cramps. By first flexing, or 30 times bending the foot up and down, you can stretch your feet. Start the exercise with one foot, then go on to the other. After that, rotate the foot 10 times inward and 10 times outward. Continue with the other foot. Such stretching can be done numerous times per day.

A foot massage can also aid in relieving strain on the feet and reducing tension in the legs, particularly when combined with a cooling gel or moisturizing lotion. To increase circulation and lessen heaviness in the feet, ankles, and calves, move gently in circles from the feet up.

Regular exercise improves general health, and walking, swimming, and cycling are all thought to be particularly healthy during pregnancy. Elevating the legs as frequently as possible can help to reduce foot edema.

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