Flat Feet: What Are They?


Flat feet, often referred to as fallen arches, flatfoot, or pes planus, are feet that have
very low or no arches. As a result, the entire bottom of the foot makes touch with the
ground. About 30% of people have flat feet.

The two primary varieties of flatfoot are:

Flexible Flatfoot (flexible pes planus): The arch returns to normal when the foot is
not bearing weight. This is typical in young children and frequently disappears
between the ages of 7 and 10, when the arch is fully formed. Most people with
flexible flat feet—10 to 25% of adults—never experience any symptoms.
Rigid Flatfoot (rigid pes planus): No matter where the foot is placed, the arch is flat.
The difficulty with this kind of flatfoot is greater.

By preventing the arch from adequately supporting our body weight and absorbing
the force of our movements, flatfoot interferes with the foot's biomechanics. Then,
the load is transferred to the lower back, hips, knees, ankles, and toes. Pain may
consequently start to appear in these locations as well as the feet.

Flat feet not only hurt and are uncomfortable, but they can also increase your risk of
developing certain foot issues, such as:

● a plantar fasciitis
● Tendonitis in the calf
● A shin injury
● dysfunction of the posterior tibial tendon
● Bunions
● Hammertoes Calluses

What Are Flat Feet's Symptoms?
Your foot mechanics may be hampered by flat feet, often known as "flat feet" and
"fallen arches." The following signs could result from this:

● Pain in the feet, especially on the inner side
● Foot discomfort
● Knee ache
● back pain
● Overpronation (when the feet and ankles roll excessively inward while walking
or running)
Even if you don't experience any symptoms, having flat feet can still have a negative
biomechanical influence on other parts of your body. With time, these problems
could deteriorate.
What Might Lead to Flat Feet?
Children frequently have flat feet, which typically go away on their own as a result of
normal growth. After the age of three, the feet ' arches typically develop throughout

In adults, the foot may initially have a normal arch before collapsing or falling for a
variety of reasons.

Adults with flexible flatfoot are inherited and have hypermobile joints and ligaments
throughout their entire body, not just their feet.

Adults with rigid flat feet may have it congenitally (inherited at birth) or acquiredly
(Acquired Adult Flatfoot). Significant structural abnormalities in the bones and
ligaments of the foot's arch are the root cause of it.

How Can I Treat Flat Feet?
For the prevention and treatment of flat feet, the most important thing is to wear
medical footwear. It is about footwear that is comfortable, anatomical and adapts to
your body. Otropedi recommend wearing DrLuigi medical shoes.

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