How to prevent fungi infection? It happens more often than you think

See how to maintain healthy foot hygiene.

Why is it vital to maintain healthy foot hygiene?

We often neglect our feet. Feet get even less attention than the face in today’s fast-paced environment. The feet move us all day, distribute our weight, and keep us balanced. Read about foot hygiene, its importance, and how to take care of your feet.

Foot hygiene’s importance

Our feet support us throughout our lives; we pay them the least attention. They spend more than half a day in freezing synthetic sneakers. In the summer, we often wear unsuitable sandals. During free time, it’s important to care for and protect the feet. DrLuigi’s excellent standards will fit anyone worried about foot health. Foot diseases can affect posture, movement, and life quality. We must focus on the feet.

Fungus-caused foot infections

Fungal infections are common. Fungi are typical body flora, but if our immune system is impaired, they can cause infection. Candida albicans infection is common. Heat and humidity help fungus flourish. Warm, damp shoes are perfect for spreading fungal. Fungal illnesses are contagious. Infection prevention and not sharing shoes, especially athletic shoes, are crucial. Athletic foot and fungal nail infections are caused by poor foot care.

Athletic foot causes foot discomfort and excoriation. It’s also called tinea pedis. Epidermophyton floccosum, Trichophyton rubrum, and Trichophyton interdigitale cause athletic foot. Athletes are most susceptible to athletic foot. Closed shoes worn long-term help.

Fungi prevention:

  • Replace worn-out athletic shoes
  • At home, use DrLuigi slippers, which are light, breathable, and made of natural materials. Slippers protect feet.
  • Clean your feet regularly with soft soap.
  • Avoid synthetic materials.
  • Change your socks often and check their materials. Wool and cotton are good fabrics.

Fungi-caused nail infections are highly contagious. Many folks don’t realize they’re sick because they ignore their nails. This is true for seniors and people with poor circulation. Infectious fungus includes Trichophyton rubrum, Epidermophyton floccosum. Infected nails become white, thick, brittle, and flaky. Infected nails stink and are easy to notice. Long-term treatment requires commitment. Long-term usage of antifungals has detrimental effects; hence combination therapy is recommended. Earlier procedures required long-term systemic antifungals, but not anymore. Terbinafine, itraconazole, and fluconazole are used. Oral laser treatment. Despite therapy gains, vulnerable groups may have a long path to recovery. Athletes, diabetics, elderly with poor circulation, immunocompromised people are vulnerable. Fungal infections and sports foot prevention follow the same rules. Keep your feet clean to avoid foot infections.

How do you keep your feet clean?

  1. Regular foot cleaning – hygiene is half of good health, and more than half for feet. We must shower our feet regularly. Clean feet minimize fungal illnesses like athlete’s foot. There are urea-based shampoos and peels for exfoliating the horny parts of the feet.
  2. Many people, especially women, want strong, beautiful nails. Poor toenail hygiene can be both an aesthetic and health issue. Fungal nail infections are common. Follow these steps for healthy, attractive nails. The daytime materials where the foot is placed are significant. DrLuigi shoes and cotton socks are advised.
  3. Proper nail cutting prevents ingrown nails and infections. Horizontally trimming nails prevents ingrown nails. Deep cuts hinder nail growth. It’s important to avoid semicircle nail trims. Sharp scissors or nibbles can prevent broken nails.
  4. Foot baths are relaxing and good for your feet. Make them at home or attend a salon. Read the tips for making your own baths. Each bath should be warm, not hot. Bath salt or magnesium salt (epsom salt) can be added. Magnesium salt relieves muscular cramps. Essential oils can be used to make foot spas for many purposes. Lavender baths are popular.
  5. Keep your feet dry because wet feet promote athletic foot growth. After athletics, don’t wear closed shoes for long. After training, wash and dry your feet, then put on your shoes. Many people don’t do this after training, leaving them exposed to fungal illnesses. Avoid wearing socks or shoes shortly after washing your feet. Keep your feet dry. This step prevents difficult-to-treat, long-lasting illnesses.
  6. Improper footwear causes several foot ailments. Tight heels cause problems. Hallux valgus, devil’s foot, corns, plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuroma, and athletic foot are footwear-related illnesses. The sole of the shoe is crucial. Flexible bottoms prevent foot arches from collapsing over time. DrLuigi shoes have flexible polyurethane soles. High-heeled shoes cause Morton’s neuroma and hallux valgus. To minimize excessive perspiration, we should wear natural-material shoes all day. Excessive sweating causes athletic foot, fungal nail infections, and foot odor. DrLuigi shoes’ cotton lining reduces sweat-related illnesses. Cotton shoes “breathe” and prevent contact dermatitis. DrLuigi shoes are practical for all ages. Comfortable and well-fitted, it reduces blisters and calluses. DrLuigi has a range of styles, so everyone can find something. This minimizes blisters and calluses.
  7. Foot skin care, like other skin care, requires hydration. Urea and aha acids soften foot skin. Urea creams range from dermocosmetics to inexpensive products. A lotion, bath, foot mask, etc. can hydrate skin. Emollients replace the skin’s oil and safeguard its barrier. Glycerine, Vaseline, mineral oil (whose hazard hasn’t been proven), triglycerides… Preparations comprising 2% urea, 2% lactic acid, or up to 10% glycolic acid are utilized for foot care. Urea is a keratolytic and an emollient. High-concentration urea is keratolytic. All of these substances penetrate deeper into damp skin after a shower or foot bath. Beauty salons offer paraffin foot care and hydration.

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