How to treat and prevent heel pain?


Treatment for heel pain depends on the cause of the pain.

A ruptured Achilles tendon is surgically repaired. However, conservative measures can be used if the issue is pain without rupture. It is advised to stop exercising if pain develops while playing sports. However, since they don’t put strain on the tendon, sports like swimming are allowed. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like paracetamol, ibuprofen, and ketoprofen, are used to treat pain. They are available for purchase at pharmacies without a doctor’s appointment first. Ice can be applied to acute pain to reduce discomfort. Ice shouldn’t be put on the skin directly as this can irritate it. Place the ice on the painful area while it is covered in a cloth. Ice has analgesic and anti edematous properties that reduce swelling.

The heel of Haglund is initially managed cautiously. Ice packs are the first step in treatment to reduce inflammation. Changing the footwear must be done in addition to changing the coverings. Unfortunately, Haglund’s disease sufferers should not wear shoes with a rigid rear portion. Comfortable and useful DrLuigi footwear is also extremely helpful. The top is soft and does not press against the heel because it is made of natural materials like cotton or leather. Exercises for increasing the flexibility of the foot’s tendons and muscles are also advised. The feet are less painful if the Achilles tendon is flexible. To prevent injuries, sudden, jerky movements should be avoided, and special attention should be given to the proper execution of the running and jumping technique. Orthopaedic insoles support the foot arches, change the direction of forces, and reduce pressure on the heel bone. Surgery is only a last resort after all conservative measures have failed. Operative techniques vary according to the amount of tissue involvement. Compared to bony protrusions, soft tissues are much easier to operate on and recover from than. Recovery from bone part removal can take up to six months.

The heel bone is fixed with screws and plates during surgical repair of fractures. After that, the hurt heel becomes immobile, and it may take several months before one can resume previous activities. It is also very typical for there to be accompanying pain brought on by potential pressure on the nearby soft tissues.


We can prevent painful syndromes by lowering the load and stress on the heel. It is crucial to adhere to the following guidelines to lessen trauma to bones and soft tissues:
  • Training volume should be adjusted for physical condition.
  • Warming up before training is essential.
  • Steer clear of painful or uncomfortable shoes.
  • Put supportive orthotic insoles on your feet.
  • Keep your weight under control.
  • Take a footrest.
When should I see a doctor?

A doctor’s appointment is necessary if the pain persists for more than a week and manifests while you are at rest. Additionally, any discomfort that worsens while moving, results in a limp, or restricts movement is cause for alarm. The majority of diseases can be effectively treated with conservative therapies, but it’s crucial to identify them as soon as possible.
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