Losing Weight Starts With Your Feet

 In order to increase adherence to physician-directed exercise programs, we are now recommending that obese persons get prompt treatment for chronic, activity-limiting foot and ankle disorders.

The body's fat is not uniformly distributed, thus it is natural for some parts to have more fat than others. The primary contributors to this are one's genetic make-up and one's diet. Women tend to store fat in their lower bodies, particularly in the thighs and abdomen. It's crucial to know the best exercises for losing weight in the legs because exercising burns fat all over the body. Subcutaneous fat deposits can develop in the thigh region of the legs. Internal adipose tissue fat is another type that can affect the legs.

The prerequisites for losing weight are not the number of kilometers run, the hours spent in the gym or the elimination of sweets from the diet. In fact, none of these will work to burn fat unless you are in a caloric deficit.

What is a calorie deficit anyway? It is a condition when you spend more energy.


Measure yourself!

Before starting to introduce changes and implementing a new regime, measure your current state: weigh yourself and measure yourself at several points on your body (waist, hips, chest, shoulders, etc.) so that you can monitor your progress with the next measurement (after a certain period of time) and introduce accordingly changes. Make sure you always measure in the same place to avoid mistakes.


Making goals public helps many achieve their goals. You don't have to do it on social networks, but friends and family will be enough because they will give you the best support.

Remove all foods that your new diet does not allow.


Some people find it difficult to lose weight because hunger causes them anxiety. Some people feel bad when they are hungry so they always have snacks close at hand, while others eat when they are stressed or bored. Although it is not advisable to let yourself be caught by strong hunger because in these situations we tend to overeat, we should not react even to the first signals.

The food we consume contains nutrients that are used to produce energy. When we consume too much food, this excess energy accumulates.

Healthy diet

It's time to make a grocery list to fill the kitchen. If you have a meal plan, it's best to stick to it, buy everything it says, skip everything else. Because of this, you won't have an excuse to eat something that isn't on the list because you will have everything you need to carry out your plan.


Don't forget about water and the importance of fluid intake. Forget about sweetened juices and drinks, choose water, unsweetened tea and similar drinks and make sure that you are always well hydrated.


Exercise burns calories and fat and stimulates metabolism. Those who want to lose weight through exercise often make the same mistake, i.e. they don't pay attention to the ratio of calories consumed and those lost through exercise.


Warming up and cooling down are equally important parts of any training session.

These phases last 5-10 minutes and in them you prepare your muscles and joints for training, that is, you reduce the risk of injury.

Cardio training

When choosing cardio training, many choose between HIIT training, which has been confirmed to have a number of positive effects on losing extra pounds, and cardio training of moderate and uniform intensity.

With cardio training of moderate and uniform intensity, the number of heart beats should be at 70-80 percent of the maximum, and the advice is to carry out this type of training for at least 150 minutes per week.

Strength training

If your goal is to lose extra pounds, strength training is the most important segment of your physical activity and you should seriously commit to it. In addition to strengthening and building muscles, strength training improves bone quality, strengthens joints, and strengthens ligaments and tendons.

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