Navigating The Twists And Turns Of Sprained Ankles

There is almost no person who, at least once in his life, has not experienced the unpleasant feeling of helplessness and inability to perform everyday life activities due to a painful and swollen ankle. This statement is supported by data showing that, after painful lumbar syndrome, this is the second most prevalent type of injury affecting the body's musculoskeletal system. Ankle sprains, for instance, account for the annual loss of 5.8 million school and work days in the United States. Up to 25% of all injuries in competitive and recreational sports are sprained ankles. Basketball, football, and volleyball are all high-risk contact sports, as are any others in which running and jumping play significant roles.

The main symptom of sprains and strains is, of course, the pain by which our body warns us that damage has occurred. There may also be inflammation and swelling that indicate the damaged area.

Classification of Ankle Sprain

Depending on the severity of the injury, a sprain may be accompanied by significant damage to the articular ligamentous and bone structure of the ankle. The mechanism of the injury is mainly inversion of the foot (supination trauma), i.e. twisting it inwards, especially when the ankle is in the position formed when standing on the toes.

Ankle sprains are categorized into three different degrees of severity:

  1. Light ligament stretching or tiny tears characterize a Grade 1 sprain.

  2. Mild instability and partial ligament rupture characterize a Grade 2 sprain.

  3. A sprain of grade 3 severity involves a full rupture of the ligament and a great deal of instability.


Ankle sprains typically present with the following signs and symptoms:

  • Inability to bear weight on the affected foot • Extreme sensitivity to touch

  • Itching, swollen, and bruised areas

  • Instability or a feeling that the ankle is about to give way Stiffness and difficulties bending the ankle joint

How to Avoid Sprained Ankles

Ankle sprains can't always be avoided, however there are ways to lessen your chances of getting hurt:

  1. First, always wear shoes that fit properly and offer adequate arch and ankle support.

  2. Take a few minutes to warm up your muscles and get them loose before you begin your workout or sporting event.

  3. Third, keep an eye on your footing and stay away from obstructions or uneven ground that could cause you to sprain your ankle.

  4. Improve your ankle strength and flexibility with exercises to reduce the risk of sprains.

  5. Be careful when sprinting, jumping, or engaging in other high-impact physical activities.

Care for a Sprained Ankle

If you do end up with a sprained ankle, there are certain things that you can do to reduce the amount of pain you are experiencing.

  1. First, rest is essential; you should take it easy and not put any pressure on the injured foot.

  2. Second, ice the region for 15 to 20 minutes at a time multiple times a day to alleviate pain and swelling.

  3. Third, compress the ankle by wrapping an elastic bandage around it to help with swelling and support the ankle.

  4. Keep the injured foot raised above the level of your heart to minimize swelling.

  5. Relieving Pain Painkillers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen, available without a prescription, can be used to alleviate discomfort and inflammation.

Ankle sprains can range in severity, with the most severe requiring medical attention and possibly even surgery.

Reasons to Visit the Doctor

During the examination, the doctor focuses the most attention on the way in which the injury occurred. In almost every situation, even a harmless one, the doctor will send you for an X-ray. Depending on the injury, the doctor will perform several tests, including ankle stability. Further treatment depends on the X-ray image.


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