Plantar Fibroma

A benign or noncancerous growth on the arch of your foot is called a plantar fibroma. It originates in the fibrous, thick tissue on the bottom of the foot called the plantar fascia. This tissue supports the foot's arch and extends from the heel to the toes. A plantar fibroma is a single lesion. If the lesion spreads and more lesions appear on the plantar aspect, or sole of your foot, the disease is known as plantar fibromatosis.


The center of the arch is where a plantar fibroma growth often develops on the bottom of your foot. These growths don't hurt too much in the beginning. They frequently just appear as little lumps. Until the lump begins to swell, you might not even notice it. If the lump grows larger or if external pressure is applied to the afflicted region, you can start to experience pain or discomfort. This includes rubbing caused by wearing shoes, prolonged walking, and standing barefoot.

Plantar fibroids are benign. On sometimes, they will return by themselves. Consult a doctor if you have pain or notice a bump on your foot.


Although the precise cause of plantar fibroma is uncertain, some professionals believe that genetics may play a role. For instance, persons of Northern European ancestry had a greater incidence of fibrotic diseases.

Although this hasn't been confirmed, several drugs and supplements can and can promote the formation of more collagen and fibrous tissue. That contains:

  • The use of certain beta blockers as anti-seizure and high blood pressure treatments
  • Glucosamine with vitamin C

The following conditions increase your risk of developing a plantar fibroma:

  • Persistent liver disease
  • Seizures
  • Diabetes

There is no obvious connection between these illnesses and plantar fibroma. There is no method to stop plantar fibroids from forming because it is unclear what specifically generates them or why.


Call your doctor if you think you could have a plantar fibroma. Medical intervention could be needed to ease the discomfort brought on by the lumps because this ailment cannot be addressed on its own.

Your permission is required before the doctor examines your foot physically. This also entails depressing the hub.

Although the presence of nodules can be used to make a diagnosis of plantar fibroids, your doctor may suggest further tests.

Imaging studies can both identify and rule out other illnesses such cysts, granulomas, and malignancies while confirming plantar fibromas.

Potential imaging exams include:

  • X-ray scan
  • MRI scan
  • A bone scan (if the tumor is thought to have spread to the bone)

A biopsy of the lesion may occasionally be taken by doctors for additional research. To do this, a tissue sample must be taken and examined under a microscope.


The purpose of therapy is to lessen any discomfort and agony while also shrinking the nodule. Your specific course of therapy will depend on how severe your nodules are. In a typical plan, one or more of the following are included:

Local treatment

In the lab, transdermal 15% verapamil gel prevents the formation of fibrotic tissue. This gel is said to be able to restore damaged tissue in 6 to 12 months when used properly, although there is very little scientific support for this claim. If this medication is effective for the specific user, any pain or discomfort generally goes away three months after treatment.

Injections of corticosteroids

A corticosteroid is a medicine that reduces inflammation. An injection of steroids into the nodule can ease discomfort and inflammation. It could be simpler for you to walk, stand, and wear shoes if the irritation subsides. Nodules may continue to develop despite the effectiveness of steroid injections in decreasing any inflammatory process.


If the growth is minor and has not altered in size, orthotics can be helpful. Insoles and gel or foam pads are used in this non-surgical procedure to rebalance body weight and reduce plantar fibroid discomfort. It is risk-free to test them even though their value is debatable.

As a result, standing and wearing shoes may be more comfortable. Consult your doctor about personalized choices if insoles don't help your issues. Custom orthotics' usefulness, nevertheless, has also been questioned.

Physical Therapy

The foot's tissue accumulation is reduced with the use of physical treatment. Your physical therapist will assist you in creating a schedule of stretching and strength training activities that can aid in boosting blood flow and promoting cell development. Additionally, improved circulation helps lessen swelling and minimize the discomfort brought on by plantar fibroids. Physical therapy does not, however, appear to significantly benefit the treatment of plantar fibroids according to any published studies.


The doctor could advise surgical excision of fibroids in serious situations. This technique should only be done as a last option since it might flatten the foot arch and increase your risk of bunions. Recovery may take one to two months on average.

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