Soft Tissue Biopsy



Contrary to malignancies originating from epithelial cells, sarcomas are malignant tumors that develop from cells of mesenchymal origin, or connective tissue in the broadest sense. Sarcomas can develop in any of them, including bone, cartilage, adipose tissue, blood vessels, and hematological tissues. Sarcomas can be broadly divided into two categories: bone sarcomas and
soft tissue sarcomas.

Risk factors
The factors that increase the risk of developing sarcoma are still poorly understood. Radiation exposure and some substances also raise the risk (thorium dioxide, arsenic...). The effects of HIV and the herpes virus 8 are significant in Kaposi's sarcoma. It is well known that individuals with
certain inherited genetic syndromes, including Gardner syndrome, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, and others, are more likely to develop soft tissue sarcomas.

A biopsy must be performed, and a pathologist with experience in sarcoma diagnosis must then be consulted. It is crucial to carefully prepare the initial biopsy to avoid jeopardizing the potential of a necessary surgical procedure later.

What is a soft tissue biopsy?
A soft tissue biopsy is a procedure in which a tiny sample of soft tissue is taken and examined under a microscope to aid in diagnosis. Skin, fat, muscle, and tendons are examples of soft tissue. These tissues surround, join, or support other tissues or organs. Soft-tissue biopsies require little patient preparation or involvement. They help the foot and ankle surgeon make an accurate diagnosis and choose the most appropriate course of action for the disease.

Most people can resume their regular routines 24 hours after a biopsy. It is advised to postpone taking a shower until the next day. A final diagnosis will be made by a pathologist after reviewing a tissue sample. Before the final tissue analysis is complete, it can take a few days.

Your doctor will discuss the next stages in the procedure with you once the results are available.

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