The Dangers of Ingrown Toenails

When the corners or edges of the nails dig into the skin close to the nail, it results in an ingrown toenail. An ingrown toe is most frequently found on the big toe. Ingrown toenails are treatable at home. They may, however, result in issues that need for medical attention. If you have diabetes or other disorders that impair circulation, your chance of problems is higher.


An ingrown toenail can result from several factors, such as:

  • a nail's irregularly shaped cut (cut straight across because the angle of the sides of the nail can stimulate the growth of the nail into the skin.)
  • curved, erratic nails
  • wearing shoes that are too tight, thin, or flat for your feet, or tight socks and stockings that put a lot of pressure on your big toes.

Bad posture, poor foot hygiene, such as failing to keep the feet clean or dry, and hereditary susceptibility are all examples of conditions that can cause toenail injuries. Other conditions include having something heavy fall on the foot or repeatedly hitting the ball with the foot.


Early signs include swelling, tenderness, or hardness of the skin adjacent to the nail; pain when pressing on the toe; and an accumulation of fluid around the toe.

The following symptoms could appear if your toe is infected:

  • swelling, red skin
  • pain
  • pus; bleeding; and a toe with excessive skin development.

Inflammation of the flesh around the toenail

The inflammation of the skin surrounding the toenail is a major issue. Inflammation brought on by the ingrown nail causes pus and pain. Applying any home remedies for this type of irritation is not advised. You will detect a yellowish or whitish liquid if there is inflammation (ingrown nail pus). If there is a nail infection, pain on the big toe around the nail is not unusual. Pain occasionally makes it difficult to move normally.

Contact your doctor as soon as you suspect an infection has arisen; the doctor will determine the best course of action based on the circumstances.


It's not difficult to avoid ingrown nails. Check your toenails every night before bed, give your nails a regular trim, or have a professional pedicurist handle it if you have an ingrown toenail issue (ingrown toenail pedicure). If you have nail fungus, wait to apply nail polish until the fungus and ingrown nail have been treated.

Avoid wearing "spikes," ballerina flats, worn-out shoes, or any other footwear with a top that is too tight if you have ingrown toenail issues or a genetic propensity for them. Make careful to select shoes that are more appropriate for the shape of your foot if your foot is not naturally small.

Never cut your nails from the center; always start at the edge. Toenails should not be rounded. Be careful not to clip your nails too short when doing so. Always try to file the nails as effectively as you can after routine clipping.


Try these home remedies for an ingrown toenail:

  • Soak your feet in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times per day (In other cases, shoes and feet should be kept dry.)
  • using a cotton ball dipped in olive oil to press the skin away from the nail's edge
  • using over-the-counter painkillers such acetaminophen
  • applying a steroid cream or a topical antibiotic to prevent infection, such as polymyxin and neomycin.
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