There are eight reasons why you should avoid wearing high heels


Legs in high heels appear longer and slimmer, but we must examine whether high heels have a negative impact on our health. Wearing high heels for an extended period of time might lead to a variety of foot health issues. Bone abnormalities of the big toe and other toes are prevalent when standing on a high heel because all of the body weight is transferred to the front of the foot. A high heel also affects the arches of the foot because the foot's mobility is restricted in a high shoe. Problems such as arthritis, changed body posture, and other uncomfortable abnormalities can develop after years of neglecting foot health. Read on to learn why you should save high-heeled shoes for special events and instead choose for low-heeled, comfortable shoes.

  1. Pain from insufficient footwear - even short-term use of high-heeled shoes, such as while going out, can cause pain and discomfort. Consider how many times you'd like to remove your heels and walk barefoot. Blisters are common after wearing shoes because the load is transferred to the toes and front of the foot. Fortunately, the pain will subside after a few days of relaxation, and the blisters will fade on their own. Blisters should never be drilled, and they should always be kept dry. Drilling the wound site merely raises the risk of subsequent infections. Maintain foot cleanliness, disinfect blisters, and pay extra attention to the footwear you choose if you suffer from blisters. Blisters are easily caused by footwear that puts pressure on a specific region of the foot. Choose shoes that are not too tight and are comfy. DrLuigi medical footwear, with its personalized molds, does not put strain on the foot and offers optimum comfort and functionality. Wearing comfortable shoes over the holidays, such as around the house, is very vital. This protects your feet while also reducing pain and the risk of blisters. Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines such paracetamol, ketoprofen, and ibuprofen if the discomfort persists... They act by inhibiting the cystooxygenase enzyme, which creates the pain-causing prostaglandins. Medications are certainly not the final cure (they frequently produce gastrointestinal side effects such as heartburn and nausea), but footwear and foot rest are. This protects your feet while also reducing pain and the risk of blisters. Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines such paracetamol, ketoprofen, and ibuprofen if the discomfort persists... They act by inhibiting the cystooxygenase enzyme, which creates the pain-causing prostaglandins. Medications are certainly not the final cure (they frequently produce gastrointestinal side effects such as heartburn and nausea), but footwear and foot rest are. This protects your feet while also reducing pain and the risk of blisters. Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines such paracetamol, ketoprofen, and ibuprofen if the discomfort persists... They act by inhibiting the cystooxygenase enzyme, which creates the pain-causing prostaglandins. Medications are certainly not the final cure (they frequently produce gastrointestinal side effects such as heartburn and nausea), but footwear and foot rest are.
  2. Plantar fasciitis is one of the overuse injuries, and high heels enhance the risk of acquiring it. Overuse injury occurs when normal activities, such as walking or playing sports, create micro-damage. Microdamages cause the structure to degenerate over time, and the fascia to burst in extreme circumstances. The plantar fascia is a broad foot structure that clings to the heel bone and extends all the way to the toes' first joints. The fascia is separated into three sections: the center, medial, and lateral. Fasciitis most commonly affects the central section of the fascia. Fasciitis affects 85 percent of persons in their forties and fifties, and it is most common in people between the ages of 40 and 60. Fasciitis has a variety of causes, which we categorize as external or internal. Shoes with hard and inflexible bottoms, worn footwear, changes in training intensity, and jogging on uneven terrain are all external reasons. Internal causes include sunken feet (pes cavus), depressed feet, and a valgus position of the heel... Obesity is also linked to the development of plantar fasciitis. Obese persons frequently suffer from dropped feet, which contributes to this. Excessive pronation is caused by obesity and depressed feet. Excessive pronation (rotation of the foot inwards, towards the centre of the body) generates stress loads on the plantar fascia. Jogging on a level surface puts significantly greater strain on the fascia than running on varied terrain, which is why long-distance runners are more prone to fasciitis. Pain at the fascia's starting site, i.e. on the heel bone, is undoubtedly the first sign. The pain usually comes when you first wake up in the morning and goes away with stretching and moving. Pain described as a "nail in the heel" is common. Physical treatment, the use of a night splint, and finally surgery are used to treat plantar fasciitis. If none of the other options work, the patient will need surgery. Fasciotomy, or the relaxation of the fascia, is a surgical procedure that can be performed endoscopically with minimal harm to the surrounding tissue. Exercises, ultrasonic therapy, cryotherapy, and other forms of physical therapy are used in physical therapy... The application of ice (cryotherapy) is indicated for fast pain alleviation. Ice massage can be done multiple times a day, but it becomes less effective with time. Wearing night splints is a recent method of treatment. Shin splints that keep the foot at right angles to the shin are similar to night splints. Morning pains aren't an issue because of this position. Because the foot is in a neutral position in the splint overnight, the plantar fascia does not shorten as a result of the downward movement of the foot.
  3. High heels increase the risk of hammer toe - digitus maleus, often known as hammer toe, is a common foot malformation. The most frequent acquired malformation of the foot, after hallux valgus, is digitus maleus. It occurs more frequently in persons who already have a foot deformity, such as Morton's neuroma or hallux valgus. Inadequate footwear, tight footwear, injury, muscle chin... are all causes of digitus maleus. The digitus flexus is a very similar malformation (classic curled toe). The location of deformation differs. The transition of the middle and distal phalanges is malformed in the hammer finger, but the transition of the middle and proximal phalanges is deformed in the curled finger. Unfortunately, physical therapy and exercise have failed to help. Surgical treatment is the only way to get the desired results. When illnesses make daily living difficult and the use of footwear is no longer possible, treatment is sought. After surgery, you can return to your normal activities quickly, and you must wear footwear that only loads the back of your foot.
  4. High heels affect the way we walk, which can lead to arthritis. To put it another way, the load on the ankles and knees increases. It is not recommended to wear a shoe with a heel higher than 3 cm on a daily basis. Wearing high heels for an extended period of time has been linked to an increased risk of osteoarthritis. This condition is also known as arthrosis. It is a cartilage condition that is chronic, progressive, and degenerative. Because osteoarthritis is one of the most common causes of long-term disability, additional emphasis should be made to preventing it, such as by wearing the appropriate shoes. The most frequent kind of osteoarthritis is hip osteoarthritis, but heels cause the most damage to the knee joint. Increased pressure causes cartilage to degrade and wear, resulting in damage. Increased body weight, in addition to high shoes, is a risk factor for osteoarthritis of the knee. Arthritis incidence rises rapidly after the age of 40, and it continues to rise with each decade of life. Both sexes are affected equally, and the knee joint is most typically impacted after the age of 65. Osteoarthritis pain is mild, and it only occurs after exercise in the early stages of the illness. As the condition progresses, pain occurs even while the patient is at rest, and healing after injury is difficult and sluggish. The joint's movements become increasingly constrained, and the joint thickens and deforms. Osteoarthritis is more common in colder locations, and exacerbations are more common in humidified and chilly environments. It is a common misconception that cartilage is the source of pain, but this is not true because cartilage lacks pain receptors. Arthrosis discomfort is caused by the suphondral bone. Treatment is difficult and time-consuming, and it is critical to avoid the disease. It is not true that osteoarthritis is unavoidable. It is critical that we take all possible precautions to avoid the disease. Wearing ergonomic shoes, maintaining a healthy body weight, participating in sports, and so on... The appropriate distribution of body weight on the surface of DrLuigi shoes prevents osteoarthritis. The knee joint is not overworked when wearing DrLuigi shoes.

  1. Long-term use of high-heeled shoes alters posture - high-heeled shoes alter the way we walk, and hence our general posture. The alterations begin in the feet and work their way up the spine. Muscles, the plantar aponeurosis, and foot ligaments are all weakened by wearing high heels. Due to the increasing pressure, the transverse arch of the foot collapses and the front section of the foot deforms. The thumb bends to the side as a result. The alterations in the foot proceed to the knee. The stress on the knee joint has risen. Lower leg, buttocks, and lower back muscles might become tight. The spine is also affected by the altered posture, and the arch of the spine is deformed backwards in an unnatural and exaggerated way.
  2. High-heeled shoes weaken the arches of the feet, which act as shock absorbers for our bodies. The arch of the foot is very important in distributing body weight on the ground. The arches are also responsible for moving the feet. Due to arches, the foot can adjust to diverse surfaces and sustain changes in load. The longitudinal arch of the foot (arcus pedis longitudinalis) and the transverse arch of the foot (arcus pedis transverseis) are the two types of foot arches (arcus pedis transversus). When walking or carrying a burden, arcs are lowered and returned to their previous position while sitting. High heels make it impossible to move the feet, reducing the arch of the foot's function. A high shoe also causes the transverse arch of the foot to collapse. Wearing high heels on a regular basis weakens the foot muscles.

  1. Hallux valgus is caused by high heels - hallux valgus is the most prevalent foot deformity. In general, hallux valgus is thought to be the most frequent skeletal system abnormality in humans. It's a bony growth on the big toe's base. The disease is known as "devil's bone" in English. More than 80% of patients are women, especially those between the ages of 50 and 70. Hallux valgus affects people of all races and ethnicities, and the hereditary component should not be overlooked. More than half of patients with hallux valgus are thought to have a family relative who also has the deformity. Wearing high heels is the most important etiological factor in the development of hallux valgus. The load is shifted to the front half of the foot when wearing high shoes for a long time. The front of the foot is incapable of supporting the entire body's weight. As a result, the thumb bends to the side, narrowing the front of the foot. Deformations arise because the front half of the foot should spread like a fan, which is impossible in tight footwear. The shoe's toes are unusually close together. Reduced foot mobility in high-heeled footwear also weakens muscles and connective tissue. The foot's longitudinal arch also collapses. A malformation of the I. metatarsal bone is caused by the collapse of the arch of the foot, as well as weak muscles and surrounding structures. Bursa inflammation at the location of protrusion of the metatarsal bone head is a complication of hallux valgus. The thumb becomes bloated, red, exceedingly sore, and inflamed as a result of this. Bursitis (inflammation of the bursa) limits thumb movement and is treated with analgesics and immobilization of the thumb. The correct footwear can help to reduce milder abnormalities. When you're in your twenties, it's especially vital to get the appropriate shoes because prevention is the best option. Wider, non-heeled shoes that follow the arch of the foot are recommended. The shoe's bottom should be soft and flexible, and it should move with the muscles. Muscles and ligaments will weaken if the bottom is stiff. DrLuigi shoes do not strain the front of the foot and are an excellent choice if you wish to avoid problems like hallux valgus. Because giving up high heels is typically tough for women, it's crucial to understand that not all raised shoes are equally prone to hallux valgus. High heels with a pointed toe are the most dangerous since they don't allow your toes to spread. If you can't give up your high heels, look for ones with a wider front. When the symptoms become unbearable, the only option is surgical intervention.

  1. Wearing high heels can harm your bones - all of these changes can harm your bones. Stress bone fractures can be caused by digitus maleus and digitus flexus high shoes, in addition to hallux valgus. Although this is a rare occurrence, it should not be overlooked. Bone porosity and a higher risk of injury result from accumulated bone deterioration. The considerable danger of sprained ankle when walking in high heels should not be neglected.

How can high-heeled shoes be replaced?

Women find it quite tough to give up a stylish accessory like high heels. Fortunately, today's market offers a wide range of comfortable and fashionable low shoes. Although wearing high heels for an extended period of time is not encouraged, if you do decide to wear them for a special occasion or a night out, there are a few things to keep in mind. Choose a low-heeled shoe, such as one with a 5 cm heel. Furthermore, a platform-shaped heel is better for the structure of the foot than a pointed heel because the platform still distributes body weight better. Pay attention to the risk of foot sprains when wearing high heels, and opt for more sturdy shoe models.

Silicone cushions for the front part of the foot that alleviate pressure and insoles for the feet can provide comfort.

If you opt to walk in high heels, take frequent rests to avoid blisters and agony.

DrLuigi sneakers have a unique and varied design that will appeal to a wide range of users. Summer and winter shoes are available, and summer shoes can be embellished. They are created entirely of natural materials and are suitable for both work and recreation. You can avoid hallux valgus, digitus maleus, and osteoarthritis by using DrLuigi shoes. Because many disorders are difficult to treat and have a long-term effect, prevention, such as wearing high-quality medical footwear, is unquestionably the preferable alternative.

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