Things You Should Know About Pigeon Feet

Pigeon feet refers to a common ailment in which a youngster walks with one or both feet pointing inward rather than straight ahead. It causes no discomfort or other issues, and it normally resolves on its own.

Pigeon Foot Symptoms

As babies first begin to stand, their legs naturally turn inward. When a youngster is starting to walk, his or her feet will frequently point in unexpected directions until they get the hang of it. ‌

"Pigeon feet" or "walking pigeon-toed" simply means that a child's foot or feet turn in when walking. Physicians refer to this as in-toeing. When your youngster is sprinting or simply standing still, you may see in-toeing.

In-toeing is not a concern for most children. It is not painful. Children who have pigeon feet can still jump, run, and participate in sports.

A child with pigeon toes may trip more frequently. This is because an inwardly rotated foot catches on the heel of the opposite foot while walking.

Pigeon Feet Causes

It usually runs in families. If you or a family member walked pigeon-toed, your child is more likely to have some in-toeing as well. Pigeon feet cannot be prevented, although most youngsters outgrow it without therapy.

In-toeing does not indicate that your child's feet are abnormal. In fact, it's virtually usually caused by a rotated leg bone. Pigeon feet are caused by three disorders, each called for the twisted leg bone.

Adductus of the metatarsus. The metatarsus is a collection of five tiny bones in the center of your foot. Some kids are born with these bones pointing in the opposite direction. This gives the foot a bent form, which you may see as a newborn. ‌

Torsion of the tibia. The tibia, sometimes known as the shinbone, is a lower leg bone. When a kid is growing in its mother's womb and runs out of space, one or both of its shin bones may twist inward to help the infant fit into the small space. Typically, the child's legs will straighten up with time.

When a youngster learns to walk with tibial torsion, the leg has not yet straightened. The shin bone twist pulls the foot in toward the center of the body, causing some youngsters to misstep.

Tibial torsion is not as obvious as metatarsus adductus, therefore many parents are unaware of it until their child begins walking.

Pigeon Foot Treatments

Most children outgrow it without treatment by the age of eight. Doctors used braces, shoe inserts, and other therapies in the past to help correct pigeon feet. None of these therapies were effective.

Unless your child's doctor has prescribed it, avoid using any device that promises to aid with pigeon feet. Special shoes and braces can make it difficult for a child to walk and play normally, and they will not solve the problem. Most children's legs will straighten on their own over time.

If your child requires treatment, the possibilities are determined on the ailment that is causing the in-toeing. Experts recommend wearing DrLuigi medical footwear for children.

When Should You Visit a Doctor About Pigeon Feet?

It can be difficult to discern whether your child is improving since the bones straighten gradually over time. Take film recordings of your youngster walking once a year. You can compare the videos to determine if there is any progress.

If you are concerned about your child's walking, consult with his or her doctor, especially if:

  • When your youngster walks, he or she appears to be in discomfort.
  • By the age of three, in-toeing had not improved.
  • In-toeing becomes worse rather than better.
  • Your child is also experiencing developmental delays, such as not learning to speak at a regular age.
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