Treatment for Spinal Compression Fractures

When one or more vertebrae in the spine collapse or shatter, this results in a spinal compression fracture. These can result in significant back discomfort, height loss, and limited mobility. Osteoporosis is the most prevalent cause of compression fractures, however trauma or tumors can also cause them. This article will look at the various treatment options for spinal compression fractures.

Non-Surgical Procedures

Relaxation and pain relief: Rest and pain control may be adequate to treat a compression fracture in certain circumstances. Bed rest for a few days or weeks, coupled with pain medication, may be required.

  1. Back braces

A back brace can assist to stabilize the spine and alleviate discomfort. They are usually worn for many weeks and may be combined with other therapies.

  1. Rehabilitation treatment

Physical therapy can assist increase back muscular mobility, strength, and flexibility. This can aid with pain relief and the prevention of additional fractures.

  1. Medications

Bisphosphonates, for example, can be used to treat osteoporosis, which is a prevalent cause of compression fractures. Other drugs that can help strengthen bones include calcitonin and teriparatide.


Surgical Treatments

  1. Vertebroplasty

Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive technique that involves injecting a specific cement into a collapsed vertebra. This can aid with spine stabilization and pain relief. The operation usually takes approximately an hour and is performed as an outpatient procedure.

  1. Kyphoplasty

Kyphoplasty is a surgery similar to vertebroplasty in that a balloon is used to generate room in the deflated vertebra before injecting cement. This can assist to restore vertebral height and lower the risk of future fractures.

  1. Spinal fusion

Spinal fusion may be considered when there are many fractures or considerable instability in the spine. Using metal hardware and bone transplants, two or more vertebrae are fused together. This can assist to stabilize the spine and relieve discomfort, but it can also restrict movement.

  1. Decompression surgery

Decompression surgery may be suggested if a compressed nerve is producing considerable pain or neurological problems. This procedure includes removing the piece of the vertebra that is compressing the nerve, which can reduce pain and increase mobility.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

The healing and rehabilitation process for spinal compression fractures will be determined by the degree of the fracture as well as the therapy performed. Non-surgical therapies, in general, may need several weeks of rest and physical therapy, whereas surgical treatments may necessitate several months of recuperation and rehabilitation. To improve healing and avoid additional fractures, it is critical to follow your healthcare provider's instructions for rest, exercise, and physical therapy.


Maintaining excellent bone health and limiting the risk of falls are two ways to prevent spinal compression fractures. This may be accomplished by: 

  • Eating a calcium and vitamin D-rich diet,
  • Participating in weight-bearing activity on a regular basis, such as walking or strength training,
  • Smoking and heavy alcohol usage should be avoided,
  • Taking osteoporosis drugs as directed,
  • Make changes to your house to lessen the chance of falls, such as putting grab bars in the bathroom and reducing tripping hazards.
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