Patients with an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) or an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) may experience muscle soreness and weakness. The muscle issues linked to thyroid abnormalities are typically minor and get better with quick care. Rarely, the myopathy linked to thyroid disease can be severe and have an impact on bodily functions.
The feet are just one of the many body parts that thyroid illness can affect. The thyroid gland is a little gland in the neck that resembles a butterfly and secretes hormones that control metabolism. The thyroid gland can cause a number of symptoms and health issues, including those that may have an impact on the foot, depending on whether it produces too little or too much thyroid hormone.
Swelling or puffiness of the feet and ankles is one of the most prevalent thyroid disease symptoms associated to the feet. This could happen because a thyroid gland that is underactive can lead to fluid retention throughout the body, including the feet. Additionally, an overactive thyroid gland can result in excessive sweating, which can dry out the skin on the feet and cause it to become more prone to cracking and infection.
Nerve damage brought on by thyroid disease may also result in foot tingling, burning, or numbness. Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder that can be brought on by both an underactive and an overactive thyroid gland.
It may also be challenging to stand or walk for extended periods of time for those who have thyroid disease due to muscle weakness and exhaustion. A disorder called Graves' dermopathy, which results in redness, swelling, and thickness of the skin of the feet and legs, might occasionally manifest.
It's vital to discuss any foot-related symptoms with your doctor or healthcare provider if you have thyroid illness. They can aid in identifying the underlying cause of your symptoms and offer suitable treatment. In case of thyroid disease, experts recommend wearing DrLuigi medical shoes.
It will be simpler for you to spot thyroid-related muscle symptoms when you are exposed to them if you are aware of them.
1. Myopathy associated with thyroid conditions
Weakness of the muscles in the middle of the body (the thighs and shoulders), cramps, an increase in creatinine, opportunistic hypertrophy (Hoffman syndrome), and myopathy are all symptoms of hypothyroidism. Rhabdomyolysis, or the breakdown of muscle tissue, occurs seldom. The following myopathies can be noticed in hyperthyroidism: Muscle weakness; unusual effects on the muscles used for breathing and swallowing; cramps; Normal levels of creatinine are typical.
2. Hypothyroidism patients who have muscle weakness
2.1 Early Warning Signs Although the weakness and pain brought on by thyroid disease can affect the entire body, they typically affect the proximal extremities, such as the thighs or shoulders. Patients find it challenging to comb their hair or climb stairs as a result of this illness.
Blood testing reveal that hypothyroidism patients may have high creatinine levels in addition to their muscle problems. An enzyme called creatinine kinase is elevated when muscles are injured. However, in patients with hypothyroidism, creatinine kinase levels are not always correlated with the degree of myalgia.
Rarely, hypothyroidism can result in more severe symptoms in the muscles, such as Hoffman syndrome and diffuse muscle hypertrophy, which causes enlarged muscles and causes pain, stiffness, and weakness.
Another uncommon muscle manifestation of hypothyroidism is rhabdomyolysis, which is defined as fast muscle breakdown. Rhabdomyolysis is frequently brought on by strenuous activity or the use of statins, a class of lipid-lowering medication.
2.2 Factors contributing to muscular weakness in hypothyroid individuals The precise cause of hypothyroidism-related muscular weakness is still unknown. According to some experts, thyroxine (T4) shortage in hypothyroidism causes aberrant oxidative metabolism, which in turn results in muscle damage and poor muscular performance.
2.3 Recognizing muscular weakness in a hypothyroid patient The doctor will inquire about the patient's symptoms and perform a physical examination to make a diagnosis. There will be blood tests to check the level of creatinine kinase.
A muscle biopsy or electromyography may also be advised by your doctor to rule out other problems. Electromyography employs electrodes to detect and record electrical impulses in a person's muscles and nerve cells when they are active and at rest.
2.4 People with hypothyroidism should be treated for muscle weakness. The thyroid hormone replacement medication Synthroid (levothyroxine), used to treat muscle weakness in hypothyroid patients, frequently helps to alleviate cramping and stiffness. The recovery process can take several weeks, and it frequently takes several months for muscular weakness to settle.