What impact does quality footwear have on a child's development?

Because children's feet are vulnerable to a variety of changes and are continually expanding and growing, choosing the correct quality footwear for your child is critical. When purchasing shoes, keep in mind a few key elements that will influence your choice of excellent footwear and, as a result, the growth of your child's foot. When purchasing shoes, parents should consider the materials used, the length, width, and form of the child's foot, how active the child is and what habits he has, and how long and under what conditions he will wear the chosen shoes. Many questions occur, but with the right information and preparedness, they can be answered. It is critical to understand how to distinguish and select high-quality children's shoes, not just for the first pair, but for the rest of a child's life.


There are 26 bones, 33 joints, and 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments in an adult's foot. Many people believe that children's feet are miniature replicas of adult feet, however this is incorrect. The feet of children differ greatly from those of adults.

The soft structures in the baby's feet will begin to ossify and transform into bone, or bone tissue, when he or she learns to stand. The shape of the foot is established during this time, and it can be seen how it will look in the future (high or low heel, heel, toes, etc.). The gaps between the juvenile bones are still big at this age, and there is a risk of them migrating out of their normal and healthy positions. As a result, the first pair of shoes should provide protection for the toes, the heel, and the wrist, as well as the ability to modify the tightness and fastening.

All of the bones in the child's foot will be created during the period of walking, but there will still be vast gaps between them, allowing for numerous undesirable motions from the natural posture. Allowing these bones to grow properly and naturally is critical, as otherwise they will bend and be difficult to fix later. The navicular bone, which is placed in front of where we normally tie our shoes, is still developing. Instead, there is a fat pad on the arch of the foot, and in the coming years, an arch will form. The fat pads will gradually fade away, and the feet will gradually take on their adult appearance. It's not a problem if the arch of the foot is still not formed at this point; it's entirely normal.

Children's feet grow quickly in the first few years of life. Between the third and sixth years of life, a kid's feet expand roughly 1 mm every month on average, which is quite a lot when you consider that the child has been wearing shoes since last winter, which were already quite tight at the time. It is advised that the child's feet be measured once a month for the first year. Every three months during the second and third years, the foot should be measured.


Only 40% of people have healthy feet when they grow up, despite the fact that 98 percent of people are born with healthy feet. Because the foot is sensitive at every stage of growth, having a fully developed foot at one time does not entail having a perfectly developed foot forever. The feet develop till at least the age of 13, and in some cases until the age of 15, and by the age of 13, the foot has grown quite a bit. As a result, as long as the foot develops and a solid link of components is not established, the foot is vulnerable to deformation.

A fast increase in body weight, probable traumas, lengthy immobilization due to illness, when children move less, and insufficient footwear can all contribute to deformations.

All of these factors can contribute to foot malformation. Parents frequently come forward because they detect a change in their child over a few months, in which the current issue has worsened or the foot has changed, and remark, for example, that the youngster twists his feet inwards while walking. This is most typically associated with a period when the youngster gained weight unexpectedly, was unwell, or wore inappropriate footwear. The most frequent foot problems are lower arches and flat feet.

Feet that are flat

The majority of kids are born with flat feet (as many as 97 percent ). This is due to the soft pads under the arch of the foot, which are still developing. The body took every effort to safeguard that delicate bow. The appearance of flat feet in young children is usually typical and does not necessitate therapy.

A growing percentage of school-aged children have flat or depressed feet, and a flat foot is one of the most prevalent locomotor system abnormalities in this age group. This is a particularly worrying statistic when we consider that these foot malformations are usually not inherited (though they can be), but rather the result of insufficient mobility, being overweight, or wearing the wrong shoes. The lowering of the foot in youngsters begins with the heel being twisted outwards (pes valgus), followed by the entire sole being lowered to the ground (pes planovalgus).

According to orthopedists and pediatricians, a child's feet develop by the third year (or even longer), therefore flat feet in a one-year-old child are not a cause for concern. The arch is fully developed by the third or fourth year, and loose ligaments can cause a specific area of the foot to turn outward while the rest of the foot remains flat. Consult an orthopedist if your child's foot remains depressed after the age of 5-6. It is critical to take steps to ensure appropriate foot growth in children as early as childhood.

Because the ground they tread on on frequently fully flat and hard, children in cities have more flat and depressed feet. Children in rural settings move around more and walk on uneven ground, which is beneficial to appropriate foot growth.

If your youngster walks on the inside of his or her foot, this is a sign of flat feet.

Foot discomfort - Flat or undeveloped arches are more likely to be the source of your child's foot pain.

Back discomfort can be caused by poor foot control and flat feet. It's a good idea to take your child to the doctor if he or she complains of pain.

Heel pain is a common complaint among children. Boys who train in football, handball, or other activities that need regular contact of the feet (shoes) with a hard surface, in particular.

Changed the Achilles tendon's position, which is now curled at the heel instead of straight.

The contour of the footwear, particularly where the deformation or wear of the heel and the edge of the footwear is obvious, reveals the state of the child's feet and gait.


Flat feet are most commonly caused by increased weight that the foot cannot handle, and this occurs at vital stages of a child's growth. The first time this happens is when parents place an unready youngster in an upright position in order for them to walk as soon as feasible. One of the most typical blunders is insisting on a child's first steps too soon. Your youngster may appear strong enough to stand, but don't push him if he doesn't want to. It is critical that various assistance, such as walkers, do not force the first steps. The youngster must only select whether to take his or her first steps with or without assistance. Shoes are not required for crawling, getting up, or taking the first step. In the first several weeks of independent walking, the youngster should walk barefoot or in socks with a slipping-prevention rubber cushion.

Physical activity will assist your children in maintaining their health. Excess weight (which is one of the causes of lowered / straight feet) is considerably less frequent in children who move about more. Muscles and connective tissues are strengthened by regular movement. Walking on the toes, heels, and outsides of the foot is one of the beneficial exercises.


Because one of the most important determinants and causes of foot abnormalities is improper footwear, it is critical to purchase the appropriate footwear for the first steps. Bare feet are the ideal footwear for a child's foot growth, and it is suggested that a toddler beginning to walk be as barefoot as possible and play barefoot. Walking barefoot on uneven surfaces like sand or grass is the most natural since it supports the appropriate development of foot muscles and activates nerve endings. However, because this is not possible for the majority of the year due to our climate, we can purchase children's first pair of shoes before they are fully walkable. Footwear is becoming an inescapable and crucial part in the development of healthy feet, especially during the first steps, due to weather conditions, hard surfaces, and lifestyle, and it is the shoes that protect the feet from external effects, injuries, and cold.

The following are features of good footwear:

Spaciousness: Because children's feet grow so quickly, we must make sure that the shoes we choose have enough room in the front for their toes to move freely. We propose that the footwear be wide enough to prevent the child's foot from being softly pressed. The toes will alter position and go over each other if the shoes are thin in the front. Shoes that are too rigid will "catch" the foot, preventing the muscles from working.

Flexibility: A flexible sole, good toe flexibility, and a soft upper are the basic characteristics of a good shoe. It is also critical that the shoes are composed of natural materials in order to provide more ventilation and comfort.

The majority of kids have wide feet. When purchasing shoes for your children, be certain that the shoes are wide enough and do not crush them. The foot might be distorted if the footwear is inadequate.

Solid-material shoes should never be worn by newborns. They should wear shoes that are made of "breathable" materials. (soft leather with no firm soles, cotton, wool)

There should always be a space between the child's longest toe and the shoe. Your child may not be able to communicate that his shoe is too tight, but as a parent, you should be aware of this.


A child's foot is incredibly fragile in its early stages, and wearing small, tight shoes during this time can cause abnormal bone, muscle, and ligament growth, resulting in long-term foot problems. When purchasing children's shoes, it is critical to ensure that the shoe includes the following features:

The shoe must fit properly and not press against any area of the foot. The front of the shoe should be wide enough for the toes to move easily, but not too wide so that the foot does not swing or slip out.

right height: unless weather conditions prevent this, the shoe should be high enough to retain the ankle in the proper position.

The sole must be flexible, and the upper portion must be composed of soft leather. It's also crucial that the sole isn't smooth, so the infant doesn't slip when he first starts walking.

Anatomical shape: gives the foot comfort, protection, and soft support. Anatomical shoes are not orthopedic shoes in the sense that they do not correct foot abnormalities.

Insole constructed of a soft, natural material: for added walking comfort. When walking, the insole should be built such that the foot has the essential airiness and flexibility.

Natural fabrics provide softness and breathability, allowing the feet to breathe.

To distribute body weight uniformly over the entire foot, a low heel is used.

Dr. Luigi footwear satisfies all of the aforementioned criteria, and they are a top product and an excellent choice in terms of health protection and child care. First and foremost, our footwear is comfortable and features soft soles to allow for free mobility of the feet. The fact that the shoes and slippers are made of natural materials ensures their safety and the absence of toxic chemical compounds that are commonly employed in the processing of materials, dyeing, and footwear production. Because children's feet sweat more, wearing Dr. Luigi airy shoes allows their feet to "breathe" and prevents sweating. Furthermore, good hygiene can be maintained, particularly in the interior. Machine shoe washing has been proven to be the finest quality and safest method of maintaining hygiene in practice. Children's footwear must be sturdy and resistant to deformation and mechanical damage due to their high level of physical activity. It's also critical that they don't have any items that could cause a mechanical hazard (slipping, falling off of certain decorative parts). The guarantee of having a European quality certificate that classifies footwear as a medical product is a critical component in protecting children's health and allowing them to grow and develop freely.


With the right footwear, you can grow healthy feet. Give your children the opportunity to take healthy steps towards the future. In order for the foot to develop properly, children's footwear must meet orthopedic criteria. Shoes for children should be purchased from dedicated children's shoe businesses. It's ideal to do this in the afternoon because the feet lengthen and spread by about 4% over the day. It's important to shop at places that have measurement tools that can precisely measure the length of the foot. Finally, both feet must be measured because one foot is frequently somewhat longer than the other. Quality footwear selection is vital for people of all ages since it allows for correct and natural foot development.

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