What is a Foot or Ankle Fracture?


A bone that has broken has a fracture. Any bone, from the toes to the ankle, can fracture in the foot and ankle. A direct hit to the foot or ankle, as well as unusual foot twisting or bending, are the usual causes of fractures. Depending on whether the bone has penetrated the skin, fractures can either be closed or open.


The most frequent causes of foot and ankle sprains and fractures are accidents. Injuries like sprains and fractures are common in sports. Football players are particularly prone to fractures and sprains of the foot and ankle. Both runners and basketball players are susceptible to stress fractures of the ankle or foot. Stress fractures can also occur in dancers and gymnasts. Another frequent cause of foot and ankle sprains and fractures is tripping or stumbling on uneven ground.


Among the signs of a fracture are:

  • the affected area feels uncomfortable and painful.

  • Bruising and swelling

  • Having trouble walking or limited mobility

  • Deformity or an obvious bone misalignment


In order to treat a fracture, immobilizing the affected area is the most typical course of action. This may require utilizing crutches, a cast, or a brace to avoid placing weight on the hurt foot or ankle. Sometimes the bone needs to be surgically straightened and secured with pins, plates, or screws. Painkillers can also be used to manage pain.

The RICE treatment is frequently used to treat sprains:

  • Rest - Take as much time as you can off from using the injured foot or ankle.

  • Ice - Several times per day, apply ice to the injured area for 20 minutes at a time.

  • Compression - Use a compression bandage to help with swelling management and support.

  • Elevation - To lessen swelling, raise the injured foot or ankle above the level of the heart.

To treat pain and inflammation, over-the-counter painkillers may also be utilized. In severe circumstances, a medical expert could advise physical therapy to assist the affected part regain its strength and movement.

How Can I Tell the Difference Between a Fracture and a Sprain?

It can be difficult to tell a fracture from a sprain because their symptoms can be similar. There are a couple key deviations to be aware of though:

  1. Sound or sensation

A fracture is more likely to have occurred if you heard something pop or felt something crack.

  1. Deformity

A fracture is more likely to be the cause if the injured area seems misaligned or deformed.

  1. Swelling

While swelling from a fracture typically develops immediately, swelling from a sprain may take several hours to manifest.

  1. Pain

While pain from a fracture may radiate along the bone, pain from a sprain is often more limited to the site of the injury.

Preventative Advice

There are things you can take to lower your risk, even though some foot and ankle injuries may be unavoidable:

  • Wear appropriate footwear

Opt for footwear that are comfortable to wear and offer your feet and ankles enough support. Spend as little time as possible wearing high heels since they impose too much pressure on the feet and raise the possibility of sprains and fractures.

  • Warm up and stretch

To help avoid injury, warm up your muscles with some easy exercises before engaging in physical activity and stretch your calves and ankles.

When to Visit a Podiatrist  

Podiatrists are doctors who are experts in taking care of and treating the lower limbs. See a doctor if you hurt your foot or ankle. He or she can figure out how bad the injury is and make a care plan to get you back on the field as soon as possible (or to ordinary life). After an accident, you should see a podiatrist if you feel more pain, have bruises, swelling, redness, or trouble moving.

How can DrLuigi help You?

Except for the insole, which is normally composed of polyurethane, our medical footwear is almost entirely comprised of natural materials such as cotton and leather.

Our company has acquired the highest certifications for quality, management, and design due to the production's adherence to the strictest environmental rules enforced by the European Union.

We provide a diverse choice of products to our customers, including both children's and adult items. Natural materials and our exclusive design process combine to create incredibly light, soft, and anatomically adaptable footwear that provides tremendous comfort, relieves pressure from the ankles and spine, and improves peripheral blood circulation.

Even though it is recommended for the general population, our footwear is exclusively distributed via pharmacies, drug stores and orthopedic supply stores and is especially created for individuals that experience problems with:

  • Back pain

  • Insufficiency of peripheral circulation

  • Diabetes

  • Obesity

  • Arthritis

  • Sensitive feet 

  • Arthrosis

  • Osteoporosis

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