What is a Plantar Wart?


A benign growth known as a plantar wart on the foot develops because of a viral infection of the skin. Plantar warts are a type of localized thickening of the skin that develops on the soles of the feet.

Cause of Plantar Warts

Human papilloma virus infection manifests as warts. Plantar warts are typically the product of just a handful of the various forms of this virus. This virus causes the skin's outer layer's cells to proliferate and thicken, resulting in a non-cancerous protrusion on the skin known as a wart.

Contact with contaminated skin can lead to the development of plantar warts. It commonly
grows on floors in places like locker rooms, bathrooms, and paved areas around swimming pools.


Plantar wart symptoms include:

  •  Where the wart has developed into the skin, there is hard, thicker skin (like a blister).
  •  Wart seeds, which are black spots, are tiny.
  •  On the bottom of the foot, there are a few little, fleshy lesions with granular development.
  •  Walking or standing can cause pain or soreness.

The following factors should be considered while thinking about plantar wart treatment:

1. Warts typically vanish on their own and do not leave any scars behind.
2. The removal of plantar warts does not stop the growth of fresh warts.

Even though it could take a year or two, most foot warts disappear on their own. You can attempt
over-the-counter treatments if your warts are bothersome and spreading. Warts can disappear
after several treatments, but they might also come back. It is vital to contact a doctor if you are
unable to remove the warts on your own. Peel-based medications containing salicylic acid are

frequently advised by doctors. Additionally, they can boost your immune system's capacity to
combat warts.
Plantar Wart can also be frozen using a certain technique. Liquid nitrogen is sprayed or applied
with a cotton ball directly to the area during this procedure. Your doctor will likely use local
anesthetic to the affected area in the first of these methods to numb the discomfort.
All surgical procedures, however, leave behind scars that may hurt the foot. Additionally, the
wart can come back.

How to deal with a plantar wart?

If you have a plantar wart:
1. Put on a pair of relaxed, non-pressing footwear.
2. Never let anyone else wear your socks or shoes.
3. Change your socks every day and keep your feet dry and clean.
4. If you go swimming, plantar warts should be covered with waterproof wart plasters.
5. Plantar Warts should not be touched.
6. Avoid damaging the skin around the warts when cutting or grinding them because doing
so could lead to the warts spreading.
7. If you have kids, make sure to periodically examine them for viral warts.

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