Uncomfortable feet are a common occurrence, often without the person being aware of the cause. This is typically caused by wearing shoes that are not appropriate for their width, length, or both. Depending on whether you have a strong foot or a weak foot, we explain how to choose your shoes.
Choosing the proper size for your shoes will prevent foot problems.
Finding out the size of your foot is the first step in selecting what kind of shoes will fit you the best. Your foot's health depends on you wearing the right shoes, which will also help you avoid a number of aches and problems.

Although every person has a different foot form, the following are the most typical:
- The Greek foot: the second toe is longer than the big toe;
- The Roman foot or “square foot”: the first three toes are the same length;
- The Egyptian foot: the size of the toes decreases from the largest to the smallest
Besides these three kinds, humans also have strong (wide) and weak (narrow) feet. The width is more important this time around than the length. Finding the correct shoes and preventing foot pain depend on this.
If I have a powerful foot, how do I get my shoes to fit?
The powerful foot is wider than the normal foot in the forefoot and arch. Numerous factors, like hallux valgus (bunion) or a sunken arch, may be to blame for this.
Although there are tools that can determine if you have strong feet, it is best to consult a podiatrist or orthotist who can determine your unique morphology and offer a variety of solutions to ease your foot pain.
The form
If you have wide feet, stay away from pointed, elongated, and narrow-toed shoes. They might deform your foot and might be extremely uncomfortable. High heels are the same because they compress the front of the foot.
Shoes with a square or rounded toe and a looser fit will be much more comfortable and will assist to lessen your foot pain. We recommend DrLuigi medical footwear.
The content
Choose materials like genuine leather, suede, soft canvas, microfiber, etc. instead of stiff shoes. Your feet's comfort will significantly improve as a result of this. These can help with flexibility and will make your feet feel better.
Our suggestions for wide-footed individuals' footwear
To achieve a proper fit, take into account the type of socks you want to wear and bring them with you to the fitting room;
- Remember to bring your foot orthotics if you wear them;
- When your feet are the largest and most sensitive, try your shoes on toward the end of the day;
- Avoid wearing shoes with numerous interior seams because the rubbing will eventually result in pain;
- Support is equally as important for preventing foot pain as comfort. Your shoes should have a light, supportive heel, a firm counter, a stable base to keep the foot in place, and a soft, comfortable toe.

If my foot is weak, how should I size my shoes?
The weak foot is noticeably more thin than the strong foot, with a smaller forefoot and heel. This morphology can cause persistent foot discomfort and even injury if the shoes are not modified.
Our suggestions for footwear for persons with small feet
- Shoes with a square form should not be worn since they will not secure your foot. Look for styles that are more fitted, thinner, and well-fitted;
- Include a custom insole made for your unique foot form by a podiatrist. Additionally, support can be added by wearing larger socks or an additional insole;
- If your heel slips out when walking, put a partial insole in the front of the shoe.