When to Ask Your Podiatrist for Help and How to Cut Your Toenails


Every six to eight weeks, everyone must trim their toenails. It's likely that you don't give it much attention, yet it's simple to make mistakes that result in
unpleasant issues.

Thankfully, this won't be a problem. Here is our advice on how to properly trim
your toenails.

Take a shower or a bath first
By softening the nails, this facilitates work and prevents infection. All day long,
your feet are covered in shoes and socks, and the warm, moist environment
promotes bacterial infections and fungal growth.

Use the Proper Tools
Although toenail scissors might be an option for you, toenail clippers are the
ideal choice because toenails are often thick and durable. They are the proper
size and have higher cutting power, both of which help avoid sharp and
jagged edges.

Cut or clip the nails straight across.
Avoid the temptation to round off the ends by following the toe's curvature.
Ingrown toenails result from this encouragement of the nail to grow into the
skin. Straight cuts leave sharp points at both ends, but that's perfectly OK.

Make sure you don't cut the nail too short because doing so will hurt the nail
bed. If you can't see the white end of the nail after leaving it exposed for 1-2
millimeters, you've gone too far.

Prepare the edges
With a good emery board and care, smooth out any jagged, sharp edges. This
is much preferable to adding another cut to finish things off.

Clean Up Your Tools

Antibacterial soap should be used on a regular basis to clean scissors and
clippers. By doing this, fungal infections and the spread of infection from one
foot to another are avoided.

When Should a Foot Specialist Help?
Cutting your own toenails is not advised if you have certain medical issues. To
avoid giving yourself additional issues, it is important to let your podiatrist do
the procedure in a clean, safe setting.

Diabetics frequently experience nerve loss, which significantly diminishes
feeling in the toes and feet. The body's capacity to heal will be hampered by
circulation issues, therefore toenail clipping might have major consequences if
done incorrectly.

Unnoticed skin injuries to the smallest degree can result in fungal infections,
sores, and diabetic ulcers. Of course, people without diabetes can also
experience this, but their recovery will be more difficult. It's always simpler to
let someone else do the cutting, so let your podiatrist handle it.

Fungal Toenails
These unpleasant symptoms cause brittle, discolored, and odorous nails.
Additionally, they thicken while losing their edges. Since it is contagious, if
your cleanliness is sloppy, it might quickly spread to other toes and even

Your podiatrist can securely trim your nails and treat fungus while preventing
further infection. To aid in the nail's recovery, they can also recommend
antifungal creams and sprays.

Foot Ingrown Nails
This happens when the toenail's edges or corners grow into the skin around
them. Big toe is typically affected, and it can be excruciatingly painful. The
issue might be brought on by poor cutting technique, an injury, or poorly fitted

Your podiatrist can safely trim and shape the nail to alleviate the issue or even
remove it entirely if that is what is required. Don't ignore this because doing so
could cause unpleasant infections.
We advise wearing DrLuigi medical shoes for disease prevention and disease

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