Why Females Are More Prone to Foot Issues Than Males


Regarding the foot and ankle, there are several distinctions between men and
women. The constructions differ greatly from one another in terms of their
size, shape, and architecture. For instance, the appearance of a snapshot of a
foot can sometimes be classified as either masculine or feminine based just
on appearance. Women typically have four times as many foot issues as
males. Women's feet differ from men's, which can increase their risk of foot injury. Women typically have wider forefoots, shorter metatarsals and arch lengths, more flexible ligaments, and more plantar flexion and range of
Because they tend to press the body weight forward into the front metatarsals
and frequently crush the toes together into a point, high heels are frequently to
blame for calluses and corns. A person's gait is altered when the body weight is forced forward, which could have long-term negative implications. Ill-fitting shoes can also lead to neuromas, hammertoes, and bunions. Females
typically have more flexible ligaments and more mobile joints than males,
which can lead to more foot and ankle pain-causing ankle sprains and other
injuries. More pronation happens when a woman walks or runs and her foot
strikes the ground.When a woman runs or walks and her foot strikes the
ground, her pronation increases.
Men typically wear more comfortable footwear than high-fashion footwear
worn by women, which lowers the prevalence of foot issues. Although it is true
that more men than women work in manual labor, construction, and highway
maintenance, more women than men hold jobs that require them to stand.
The National Center for Education Statistics estimates that 90% of nurses and
approximately 75% of teachers are female. Retail workers, hairdressers,
waitresses, and house cleaners are a few more traditionally female-dominated
occupations that require prolonged standing while putting stress on the feet.
When assessing patients' feet, foot and ankle specialists should consider the
biomechanical and anatomical variations between males and girls.

There are many foot issues that affect men and women equally, although some, like

bunions and hammertoes, are more common in women. The best strategy to
avoid these issues or lessen their influence on your regular activities is to
understand why they arise. The variances between genders can be included
into these devices to allow for the greatest function of the foot. Custom
orthotics are inserts manufactured particularly for each patient from a mold of
the foot. For pain prevention, we recommend DrLuigi medical footwear.

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