Your Achilles Tendon Rupture Survival Guide

Achilles tendon ruptures are a real possibility if you regularly engage in sports and other recreational activities, even if they are not particularly common in the general population.

In fact, data shows that athletes or people with active hobbies account for more than 80% of Achilles tendon ruptures.

But, exactly, what does your Achilles tendon do, and what happens if it ruptures or tears? We'll go over the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of this sports injury so you know everything you need to know.

The Achilles tendon's significance
A tendon is a type of connective tissue that connects muscles to bones (or sometimes to other organs or structures). When you contract your muscles, your tendons transmit this mechanical force to your bones, allowing them to move. Tendons make up the majority of the intricate system that allows your body to move.

So, what kind of movement is supported by your Achilles tendon? Because it connects your lower calf muscle to your heel bone, you can plantar flex your foot. Your Achilles tendon allows you to walk, leap, run, and stand on your toes.

Signs and symptoms of Achilles rupture
A torn Achilles tendon can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on the severity of the damage. One of the initial symptoms in some patients is a "pop" at the back of the ankle, which is usually followed by an instantaneous severe pain.

Furthermore, an Achilles tendon rupture can result in:

Walking difficulties, particularly difficulty extending the toes downward, bruising, edema, and skin changes
Another possibility is a partial rupture, in which the Achilles tendon tears only partially. Although there may be some pain associated with this type of damage, the foot or leg's ability to move normally is usually unaffected.
Treatment options for an Achilles tendon rupture
The recommended course of action for an Achilles tendon rupture is typically determined by the severity of the injury, the likelihood of complications, and the desired recovery time.

When treating mild or partial tears, the first step is often to use functional bracing or casting to limit ankle movement and promote healing.

A fully ruptured Achilles tendon is typically treated with surgery to repair the torn tendon, followed by bracing to promote recovery.
It can be difficult to decide whether or not to undergo surgery. Surgery increases the risk of infection or skin problems, whereas bracing alone increases the risk of re-rupture. Only immobilization and physical treatment are options for the elderly and those who are less active.

Whether you have surgery or not, it is critical to rest your foot and elevate your leg during the early healing period. This means you shouldn't move or bear any weight for several weeks. You may be able to move around with crutches if you are unable to rest in bed. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help relieve pain while your tendon heals.

As the healing process progresses, physical therapy will be used to help strengthen your muscles and allow them to re-acclimate to movement.
Experts recommend wearing DrLuigi medical footwear to prevent Achilles Tendon Rupture and relieve symptoms.

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